SWITCH_BEGIN_EXTERN_C int | switch_status_is_timeup (int status) |
switch_thread_id_t | switch_thread_self (void) |
int | switch_thread_equal (switch_thread_id_t tid1, switch_thread_id_t tid2) |
| Compare two thread ids. More...
void | switch_pool_clear (switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
int | switch_snprintf (_Out_z_cap_(len) char *buf, _In_ switch_size_t len, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *format,...) |
int | switch_vasprintf (_Out_opt_ char **buf, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *format, _In_ va_list ap) |
int | switch_vsnprintf (char *buf, switch_size_t len, const char *format, va_list ap) |
char * | switch_copy_string (_Out_z_cap_(dst_size) char *dst, _In_z_ const char *src, _In_ switch_size_t dst_size) |
unsigned int | switch_hashfunc_default (const char *key, switch_ssize_t *klen) |
unsigned int | switch_ci_hashfunc_default (const char *char_key, switch_ssize_t *klen) |
switch_time_t | switch_time_make (switch_time_t sec, int32_t usec) |
switch_time_t | switch_time_now (void) |
switch_status_t | switch_time_exp_gmt_get (switch_time_t *result, switch_time_exp_t *input) |
switch_status_t | switch_strftime (char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm) |
switch_status_t | switch_strftime_nocheck (char *s, switch_size_t *retsize, switch_size_t max, const char *format, switch_time_exp_t *tm) |
switch_status_t | switch_rfc822_date (char *date_str, switch_time_t t) |
switch_status_t | switch_time_exp_gmt (switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input) |
switch_status_t | switch_time_exp_get (switch_time_t *result, switch_time_exp_t *input) |
switch_status_t | switch_time_exp_lt (switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input) |
switch_status_t | switch_time_exp_tz (switch_time_exp_t *result, switch_time_t input, switch_int32_t offs) |
void | switch_sleep (switch_interval_time_t t) |
void | switch_micro_sleep (switch_interval_time_t t) |
switch_status_t | switch_mutex_init (switch_mutex_t **lock, unsigned int flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_mutex_destroy (switch_mutex_t *lock) |
switch_status_t | switch_mutex_lock (switch_mutex_t *lock) |
switch_status_t | switch_mutex_unlock (switch_mutex_t *lock) |
switch_status_t | switch_mutex_trylock (switch_mutex_t *lock) |
switch_status_t | switch_atomic_init (switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
uint32_t | switch_atomic_read (volatile switch_atomic_t *mem) |
void | switch_atomic_set (volatile switch_atomic_t *mem, uint32_t val) |
void | switch_atomic_add (volatile switch_atomic_t *mem, uint32_t val) |
void | switch_atomic_inc (volatile switch_atomic_t *mem) |
int | switch_atomic_dec (volatile switch_atomic_t *mem) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_create (switch_thread_rwlock_t **rwlock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_destroy (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_memory_pool_t * | switch_thread_rwlock_pool_get (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_tryrdlock (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_wrlock (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_trywrlock (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_trywrlock_timeout (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock, int timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_rwlock_unlock (switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_create (switch_thread_cond_t **cond, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_wait (switch_thread_cond_t *cond, switch_mutex_t *mutex) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_timedwait (switch_thread_cond_t *cond, switch_mutex_t *mutex, switch_interval_time_t timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_signal (switch_thread_cond_t *cond) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_broadcast (switch_thread_cond_t *cond) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_cond_destroy (switch_thread_cond_t *cond) |
void | switch_uuid_format (char *buffer, const switch_uuid_t *uuid) |
void | switch_uuid_get (switch_uuid_t *uuid) |
switch_status_t | switch_uuid_parse (switch_uuid_t *uuid, const char *uuid_str) |
switch_status_t | switch_md5 (unsigned char digest[SWITCH_MD5_DIGESTSIZE], const void *input, switch_size_t inputLen) |
switch_status_t | switch_md5_string (char digest_str[SWITCH_MD5_DIGEST_STRING_SIZE], const void *input, switch_size_t inputLen) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_create (switch_queue_t **queue, unsigned int queue_capacity, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_pop (switch_queue_t *queue, void **data) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_pop_timeout (switch_queue_t *queue, void **data, switch_interval_time_t timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_push (switch_queue_t *queue, void *data) |
unsigned int | switch_queue_size (switch_queue_t *queue) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_trypop (switch_queue_t *queue, void **data) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_interrupt_all (switch_queue_t *queue) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_term (switch_queue_t *queue) |
switch_status_t | switch_queue_trypush (switch_queue_t *queue, void *data) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_open (switch_file_t **newf, const char *fname, int32_t flag, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_seek (switch_file_t *thefile, switch_seek_where_t where, int64_t *offset) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_copy (const char *from_path, const char *to_path, switch_fileperms_t perms, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_close (switch_file_t *thefile) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_trunc (switch_file_t *thefile, int64_t offset) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_lock (switch_file_t *thefile, int type) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_remove (const char *path, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_rename (const char *from_path, const char *to_path, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_read (switch_file_t *thefile, void *buf, switch_size_t *nbytes) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_write (switch_file_t *thefile, const void *buf, switch_size_t *nbytes) |
int | switch_file_printf (switch_file_t *thefile, const char *format,...) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_mktemp (switch_file_t **thefile, char *templ, int32_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_size_t | switch_file_get_size (switch_file_t *thefile) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_exists (const char *filename, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_directory_exists (const char *dirname, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_dir_make (const char *path, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_dir_make_recursive (const char *path, switch_fileperms_t perm, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_dir_open (switch_dir_t **new_dir, const char *dirname, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_dir_close (switch_dir_t *thedir) |
const char * | switch_dir_next_file (switch_dir_t *thedir, char *buf, switch_size_t len) |
uint32_t | switch_dir_count (switch_dir_t *thedir) |
switch_status_t | switch_threadattr_stacksize_set (switch_threadattr_t *attr, switch_size_t stacksize) |
switch_status_t | switch_threadattr_priority_set (switch_threadattr_t *attr, switch_thread_priority_t priority) |
switch_status_t | switch_threadattr_create (switch_threadattr_t **new_attr, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_threadattr_detach_set (switch_threadattr_t *attr, int32_t on) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_create (switch_thread_t **new_thread, switch_threadattr_t *attr, switch_thread_start_t func, void *data, switch_memory_pool_t *cont) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_create (switch_socket_t **new_sock, int family, int type, int protocol, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_shutdown (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_shutdown_how_e how) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_close (switch_socket_t *sock) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_bind (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *sa) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_listen (switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t backlog) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_accept (switch_socket_t **new_sock, switch_socket_t *sock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_connect (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *sa) |
int | switch_socket_fd_get (switch_socket_t *sock) |
uint16_t | switch_sockaddr_get_port (switch_sockaddr_t *sa) |
const char * | switch_get_addr (char *buf, switch_size_t len, switch_sockaddr_t *in) |
switch_status_t | switch_getnameinfo (char **hostname, switch_sockaddr_t *sa, int32_t flags) |
int32_t | switch_sockaddr_get_family (switch_sockaddr_t *sa) |
switch_status_t | switch_sockaddr_ip_get (char **addr, switch_sockaddr_t *sa) |
int | switch_sockaddr_equal (const switch_sockaddr_t *sa1, const switch_sockaddr_t *sa2) |
switch_status_t | switch_sockaddr_info_get (switch_sockaddr_t **sa, const char *hostname, int32_t family, switch_port_t port, int32_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_sockaddr_create (switch_sockaddr_t **sa, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_send (switch_socket_t *sock, const char *buf, switch_size_t *len) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_sendto (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *where, int32_t flags, const char *buf, switch_size_t *len) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_send_nonblock (switch_socket_t *sock, const char *buf, switch_size_t *len) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_recvfrom (switch_sockaddr_t *from, switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t flags, char *buf, size_t *len) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_atmark (switch_socket_t *sock, int *atmark) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_recv (switch_socket_t *sock, char *buf, switch_size_t *len) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_opt_set (switch_socket_t *sock, int32_t opt, int32_t on) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_timeout_set (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_interval_time_t t) |
switch_status_t | switch_mcast_join (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *join, switch_sockaddr_t *iface, switch_sockaddr_t *source) |
switch_status_t | switch_mcast_hops (switch_socket_t *sock, uint8_t ttl) |
switch_status_t | switch_mcast_loopback (switch_socket_t *sock, uint8_t opt) |
switch_status_t | switch_mcast_interface (switch_socket_t *sock, switch_sockaddr_t *iface) |
switch_status_t | switch_pollset_create (switch_pollset_t **pollset, uint32_t size, switch_memory_pool_t *pool, uint32_t flags) |
switch_status_t | switch_pollset_add (switch_pollset_t *pollset, const switch_pollfd_t *descriptor) |
switch_status_t | switch_pollset_remove (switch_pollset_t *pollset, const switch_pollfd_t *descriptor) |
switch_status_t | switch_poll (switch_pollfd_t *aprset, int32_t numsock, int32_t *nsds, switch_interval_time_t timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_pollset_poll (switch_pollset_t *pollset, switch_interval_time_t timeout, int32_t *num, const switch_pollfd_t **descriptors) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_create_pollset (switch_pollfd_t **poll, switch_socket_t *sock, int16_t flags, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
| Create a set of file descriptors to poll from a socket. More...
switch_interval_time_t | switch_interval_time_from_timeval (struct timeval *tvp) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_create_pollfd (switch_pollfd_t **pollfd, switch_socket_t *sock, int16_t flags, void *client_data, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
| Create a pollfd out of a socket. More...
switch_status_t | switch_match_glob (const char *pattern, switch_array_header_t **result, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_os_sock_get (switch_os_socket_t *thesock, switch_socket_t *sock) |
switch_status_t | switch_os_sock_put (switch_socket_t **sock, switch_os_socket_t *thesock, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_socket_addr_get (switch_sockaddr_t **sa, switch_bool_t remote, switch_socket_t *sock) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_pipe_create (switch_file_t **in, switch_file_t **out, switch_memory_pool_t *pool) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_pipe_timeout_get (switch_file_t *thepipe, switch_interval_time_t *timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_file_pipe_timeout_set (switch_file_t *thepipe, switch_interval_time_t timeout) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_exit (switch_thread_t *thd, switch_status_t retval) |
switch_status_t | switch_thread_join (switch_status_t *retval, switch_thread_t *thd) |
char * | switch_strerror (switch_status_t statcode, char *buf, switch_size_t bufsize) |
APR includes header.
The things powered by APR are renamed into the switch_ namespace to provide a cleaner look to things and helps me to document what parts of APR I am using I'd like to take this opportunity to thank APR for all the awesome stuff it does and for making my life much easier.
Definition in file switch_apr.h.