FreeSWITCH API Documentation  1.7.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 libteletone.hTop level include file
 libteletone_detect.hTone Detection Routines
 libteletone_generate.hTone Generation Routines
 SimpleGlob.hA cross-platform file globbing library providing the ability to expand wildcards in command-line arguments to a list of all matching files. It is designed explicitly to be portable to any platform and has been tested on Windows and Linux. See CSimpleGlobTempl for the class definition
 switch.hMain Library Header
 switch_apr.hAPR includes header
 switch_bitpack.hBITPACKING code for RFC3551 and AAL2 packing
 switch_buffer.hData Buffering Code
 switch_caller.hCaller Identification
 switch_channel.hMedia Channel Interface
 switch_config.hBasic Configuration File Parser
 switch_console.hSimple Console
 switch_core.hCore Library
 switch_core_db.hCore DB Header
 switch_core_video.hVideo includes header
 switch_event.hEvent System
 switch_frame.hMedia Frame Structure
 switch_image.hDescribes the vpx image descriptor and associated operations
 switch_ivr.hIVR Library
 switch_loadable_module.hLoadable Module Routines
 switch_log.hSimple Log
 switch_module_interfaces.hModule Interface Definitions
 switch_platform.hPlatform Specific Header
 switch_regex.hRegex Header
 switch_resample.hAudio Resample Code
 switch_rtcp_frame.hRTCP Frame Structure
 switch_types.hData Types
 switch_utils.hCompatability and Helper Code
 switch_vpx.hVpx resources