FreeSWITCH API Documentation  1.7.0
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
Session Creation / Management
+ Collaboration diagram for Session Creation / Management:


#define switch_core_session_request(_ep, _d, _f, _p)   switch_core_session_request_uuid(_ep, _d, _f, _p, NULL)
#define switch_core_session_destroy(session)   switch_core_session_perform_destroy(session, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)
 Destroy a session and return the memory pool to the core. More...
#define switch_core_session_locate(uuid_str)   switch_core_session_perform_locate(uuid_str, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)
 Locate a session based on it's uuid. More...
#define switch_core_session_force_locate(uuid_str)   switch_core_session_perform_force_locate(uuid_str, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)
 Locate a session based on it's uuid even if the channel is not ready. More...
#define switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var(_vn, _vv, _c)   switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var_ans(_vn, _vv, _c, SHT_UNANSWERED | SHT_ANSWERED)
#define switch_core_session_get_partner(_session, _partner)   switch_core_session_perform_get_partner(_session, _partner, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)
#define switch_core_session_execute_application(_a, _b, _c)   switch_core_session_execute_application_get_flags(_a, _b, _c, NULL)
 Execute an application on a session. More...
#define switch_core_session_get_private(_s)   switch_core_session_get_private_class(_s, SWITCH_PVT_PRIMARY)
#define switch_core_session_set_private(_s, _p)   switch_core_session_set_private_class(_s, _p, SWITCH_PVT_PRIMARY)
#define switch_core_service_session(_s)   switch_core_service_session_av(_s, SWITCH_TRUE, SWITCH_FALSE)
#define switch_core_session_receive_message(_session, _message)
#define switch_core_session_kill_channel(session, sig)   switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel(session, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__, sig)
 Send a signal to a channel. More...


enum  switch_hup_type_t { SHT_NONE = 0, SHT_UNANSWERED = (1 << 0), SHT_ANSWERED = (1 << 1) }


switch_core_session_tswitch_core_session_request_uuid (_In_ switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface, _In_ switch_call_direction_t direction, switch_originate_flag_t originate_flags, _Inout_opt_ switch_memory_pool_t **pool, _In_opt_z_ const char *use_uuid)
 Allocate and return a new session from the core. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_uuid (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_z_ const char *use_uuid)
void switch_core_session_perform_destroy (_Inout_ switch_core_session_t **session, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line)
void switch_core_session_destroy_state (switch_core_session_t *session)
void switch_core_session_reporting_state (switch_core_session_t *session)
void switch_core_session_hangup_state (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_bool_t force)
uint32_t switch_core_session_count (void)
 Provide the total number of sessions. More...
switch_size_t switch_core_session_get_id (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_size_t switch_core_session_id (void)
 Provide the current session_id. More...
switch_size_t switch_core_session_id_dec (void)
switch_core_session_tswitch_core_session_request_by_name (_In_z_ const char *endpoint_name, _In_ switch_call_direction_t direction, _Inout_ switch_memory_pool_t **pool)
 Allocate and return a new session from the core based on a given endpoint module name. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_thread_launch (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Launch the session thread (state machine) on a given session. More...
switch_status_t switch_thread_pool_launch_thread (switch_thread_data_t **tdp)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_thread_pool_launch (switch_core_session_t *session)
_Ret_ switch_channel_tswitch_core_session_get_channel (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Retrieve a pointer to the channel object associated with a given session. More...
switch_mutex_tswitch_core_session_get_mutex (switch_core_session_t *session)
 Signal a session's state machine thread that a state change has occured. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_wake_session_thread (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
void switch_core_session_signal_state_change (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
char * switch_core_session_get_uuid (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Retrieve the unique identifier from a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_loglevel (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_log_level_t loglevel)
 Sets the log level for a session. More...
switch_log_level_t switch_core_session_get_loglevel (switch_core_session_t *session)
 Get the log level for a session. More...
switch_jb_tswitch_core_session_get_jb (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_media_type_t type)
void switch_core_session_soft_lock (switch_core_session_t *session, uint32_t sec)
void switch_core_session_soft_unlock (switch_core_session_t *session)
void switch_core_session_set_dmachine (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, switch_digit_action_target_t target)
switch_ivr_dmachine_tswitch_core_session_get_dmachine (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_digit_action_target_t target)
switch_digit_action_target_t switch_ivr_dmachine_get_target (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine)
void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_target (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, switch_digit_action_target_t target)
switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_set_terminators (switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, const char *terminators)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_codec_slin (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_slin_data_t *data)
void switch_core_session_raw_read (switch_core_session_t *session)
char * switch_core_get_uuid (void)
 Retrieve the unique identifier from the core. More...
switch_core_session_tswitch_core_session_perform_locate (const char *uuid_str, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
switch_core_session_tswitch_core_session_perform_force_locate (const char *uuid_str, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
char * switch_core_get_variable (_In_z_ const char *varname)
 Retrieve a global variable from the core. More...
char * switch_core_get_variable_dup (_In_z_ const char *varname)
char * switch_core_get_variable_pdup (_In_z_ const char *varname, switch_memory_pool_t *pool)
const char * switch_core_get_hostname (void)
const char * switch_core_get_switchname (void)
char * switch_core_get_domain (switch_bool_t dup)
void switch_core_set_variable (_In_z_ const char *varname, _In_opt_z_ const char *value)
 Add a global variable to the core. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_get_variables (switch_event_t **event)
switch_bool_t switch_core_set_var_conditional (_In_z_ const char *varname, _In_opt_z_ const char *value, _In_opt_z_ const char *val2)
 Conditionally add a global variable to the core. More...
void switch_core_dump_variables (_In_ switch_stream_handle_t *stream)
void switch_core_session_hupall (_In_ switch_call_cause_t cause)
 Hangup all sessions. More...
uint32_t switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var_ans (_In_ const char *var_name, _In_ const char *var_val, _In_ switch_call_cause_t cause, switch_hup_type_t type)
 Hangup all sessions which match a specific channel variable. More...
switch_console_callback_match_tswitch_core_session_findall_matching_var (const char *var_name, const char *var_val)
switch_console_callback_match_tswitch_core_session_findall (void)
void switch_core_session_hupall_endpoint (const switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface, switch_call_cause_t cause)
 Hangup all sessions that belong to an endpoint. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_get_partner (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_core_session_t **partner, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
 Get the session's partner (the session its bridged to) More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_message_send (_In_z_ const char *uuid_str, _In_ switch_core_session_message_t *message)
 Send a message to another session using it's uuid. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_message (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ switch_core_session_message_t *message)
 Queue a message on a session. More...
void switch_core_session_free_message (switch_core_session_message_t **message)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_signal_data (switch_core_session_t *session, void *signal_data)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_signal_data (switch_core_session_t *session, void **signal_data)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_pass_indication (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ switch_core_session_message_types_t indication)
 pass an indication message on a session More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_indication (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ switch_core_session_message_types_t indication)
 Queue an indication message on a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_message (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Out_ switch_core_session_message_t **message)
 DE-Queue an message on a given session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_flush_message (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Flush a message queue on a given session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_event_send (_In_z_ const char *uuid_str, _Inout_ switch_event_t **event)
 Queue an event on another session using its uuid. More...
switch_app_log_tswitch_core_session_get_app_log (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_exec (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ const switch_application_interface_t *application_interface, _In_opt_z_ const char *arg)
 Execute an application on a session. More...
void switch_core_session_video_reset (switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_application_get_flags (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ const char *app, _In_opt_z_ const char *arg, _Out_opt_ int32_t *flags)
 Execute an application on a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_application_async (switch_core_session_t *session, const char *app, const char *arg)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_get_app_flags (const char *app, int32_t *flags)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_exten (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_z_ const char *exten, _In_opt_z_ const char *dialplan, _In_opt_z_ const char *context)
 Run a dialplan and execute an extension. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_receive_event (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Inout_ switch_event_t **event)
 Send an event to a session translating it to it's native message format. More...
void * switch_core_session_get_private_class (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ switch_pvt_class_t index)
 Retrieve private user data from a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_private_class (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ void *private_info, _In_ switch_pvt_class_t index)
 Add private user data to a session. More...
int switch_core_session_add_stream (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_opt_ void *private_info)
 Add a logical stream to a session. More...
void * switch_core_session_get_stream (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ int index)
 Retreive a logical stream from a session. More...
int switch_core_session_get_stream_count (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Determine the number of logical streams a session has. More...
void switch_core_session_launch_thread (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ void *(*func)(switch_thread_t *, void *), _In_opt_ void *obj)
 Launch a thread designed to exist within the scope of a given session. More...
void switch_core_thread_session_end (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Signal a thread using a thread session to terminate. More...
void switch_core_service_session_av (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_bool_t audio, switch_bool_t video)
 Launch a service thread on a session to drop inbound data. More...
switch_call_cause_t switch_core_session_outgoing_channel (_In_opt_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_opt_ switch_event_t *var_event, _In_z_ const char *endpoint_name, _In_ switch_caller_profile_t *caller_profile, _Inout_ switch_core_session_t **new_session, _Inout_ switch_memory_pool_t **pool, _In_ switch_originate_flag_t flags, switch_call_cause_t *cancel_cause)
 Request an outgoing session spawned from an existing session using a desired endpoing module. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_receive_message (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _In_ switch_core_session_message_t *message, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
 Receive a message on a given session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_event (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Inout_ switch_event_t **event)
 Queue an event on a given session. More...
uint32_t switch_core_session_event_count (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Indicate the number of waiting events on a session. More...
uint32_t switch_core_session_messages_waiting (switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_event (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Out_ switch_event_t **event, switch_bool_t force)
 DE-Queue an event on a given session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_private_event (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Inout_ switch_event_t **event, switch_bool_t priority)
 Queue a private event on a given session. More...
uint32_t switch_core_session_private_event_count (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
 Indicate the number of waiting private events on a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_private_event (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, _Out_ switch_event_t **event)
 DE-Queue a private event on a given session. More...
uint32_t switch_core_session_flush_private_events (switch_core_session_t *session)
 Flush the private event queue of a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_frame (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
 Read a frame from a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_video_frame (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t **frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
 Read a video frame from a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_video_frame (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
 Write a video frame to a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_encoded_video_frame (switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_read_impl (switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_codec_implementation_t *impp)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_write_impl (switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_codec_implementation_t *impp)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_video_read_impl (switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_codec_implementation_t *impp)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_video_write_impl (switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_codec_implementation_t *impp)
void switch_core_session_reset (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_bool_t flush_dtmf, switch_bool_t reset_read_codec)
 Reset the buffers and resampler on a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_frame (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_frame_t *frame, switch_io_flag_t flags, int stream_id)
 Write a frame to a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, const char *file, const char *func, int line, switch_signal_t sig)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_send_dtmf (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_dtmf_t *dtmf)
 Send DTMF to a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_send_dtmf_string (switch_core_session_t *session, const char *dtmf_string)
 Send DTMF to a session. More...
switch_status_t switch_core_session_recv_dtmf (_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_dtmf_t *dtmf)
 RECV DTMF on a session. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define switch_core_service_session (   _s)    switch_core_service_session_av(_s, SWITCH_TRUE, SWITCH_FALSE)

Definition at line 1186 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by switch_ivr_play_file(), and switch_ivr_speak_text().

#define switch_core_session_destroy (   session)    switch_core_session_perform_destroy(session, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)

Destroy a session and return the memory pool to the core.

sessionpointer to a pointer of the session to destroy

Definition at line 809 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by switch_core_session_request_xml(), and switch_core_session_thread().

#define switch_core_session_execute_application (   _a,
)    switch_core_session_execute_application_get_flags(_a, _b, _c, NULL)

Execute an application on a session.

sessionthe current session
appthe application's name
argapplication arguments
the application's return value

Definition at line 1103 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by do_execute_on(), exec_app(), exec_cb(), CoreSession::execute(), switch_core_session_execute_exten(), switch_core_standard_on_execute(), switch_core_standard_on_hangup(), switch_ivr_broadcast(), and switch_ivr_parse_event().

#define switch_core_session_force_locate (   uuid_str)    switch_core_session_perform_force_locate(uuid_str, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)

Locate a session based on it's uuid even if the channel is not ready.

uuid_strthe unique id of the session you want to find
the session or NULL
if the session was located it will have a read lock obtained which will need to be released with switch_core_session_rwunlock()

Definition at line 925 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by CoreSession::CoreSession(), and switch_ivr_uuid_force_exists().

#define switch_core_session_get_partner (   _session,
)    switch_core_session_perform_get_partner(_session, _partner, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)
#define switch_core_session_get_private (   _s)    switch_core_session_get_private_class(_s, SWITCH_PVT_PRIMARY)

Definition at line 1132 of file switch_core.h.

#define switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var (   _vn,
)    switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var_ans(_vn, _vv, _c, SHT_UNANSWERED | SHT_ANSWERED)

Definition at line 984 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by switch_loadable_module_unprocess().

#define switch_core_session_kill_channel (   session,
)    switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel(session, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__, sig)
#define switch_core_session_locate (   uuid_str)    switch_core_session_perform_locate(uuid_str, __FILE__, __SWITCH_FUNC__, __LINE__)

Locate a session based on it's uuid.

uuid_strthe unique id of the session you want to find
the session or NULL
if the session was located it will have a read lock obtained which will need to be released with switch_core_session_rwunlock()

Definition at line 916 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), check_channel_status(), fs_core_session_locate(), rtp_common_read(), sb_on_dtmf(), signal_bridge_on_hangup(), signal_bridge_on_hibernate(), switch_channel_clear_flag_partner(), switch_channel_get_private_partner(), switch_channel_get_variable_partner(), switch_channel_perform_mark_answered(), switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered(), switch_channel_perform_mark_ring_ready_value(), switch_channel_set_flag_partner(), switch_channel_set_variable_partner_var_check(), switch_channel_test_cap_partner(), switch_channel_test_flag_partner(), switch_core_media_receive_message(), switch_core_session_findall_matching_var(), switch_core_session_hupall(), switch_core_session_hupall_endpoint(), switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var_ans(), switch_core_session_pass_indication(), switch_core_session_perform_receive_message(), switch_core_session_read_frame(), switch_core_session_write_frame(), switch_core_standard_on_execute(), switch_core_standard_on_reset(), switch_ivr_3p_media(), switch_ivr_3p_nomedia(), switch_ivr_blind_transfer_ack(), switch_ivr_broadcast(), switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(), switch_ivr_find_bridged_uuid(), switch_ivr_hold_toggle_uuid(), switch_ivr_hold_uuid(), switch_ivr_intercept_session(), switch_ivr_kill_uuid(), switch_ivr_media(), switch_ivr_nomedia(), switch_ivr_originate(), switch_ivr_parse_event(), switch_ivr_session_transfer(), switch_ivr_soft_hold(), switch_ivr_unhold(), switch_ivr_unhold_uuid(), switch_ivr_uuid_bridge(), switch_ivr_uuid_exists(), switch_rtp_write_frame(), switch_rtp_zerocopy_read_frame(), SWITCH_STANDARD_SCHED_FUNC(), and uuid_bridge_on_soft_execute().

#define switch_core_session_receive_message (   _session,
#define switch_core_session_request (   _ep,
)    switch_core_session_request_uuid(_ep, _d, _f, _p, NULL)

Definition at line 797 of file switch_core.h.

Referenced by switch_core_session_request_by_name().

#define switch_core_session_set_private (   _s,
)    switch_core_session_set_private_class(_s, _p, SWITCH_PVT_PRIMARY)

Definition at line 1141 of file switch_core.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 969 of file switch_core.h.

969  {
970  SHT_NONE = 0,
971  SHT_UNANSWERED = (1 << 0),
972  SHT_ANSWERED = (1 << 1)
Definition: switch_core.h:969

Function Documentation

void switch_core_dump_variables ( _In_ switch_stream_handle_t stream)
char* switch_core_get_domain ( switch_bool_t  dup)

Definition at line 355 of file switch_core.c.

References switch_runtime::global_var_rwlock, switch_core_get_variable(), switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(), and switch_thread_rwlock_unlock().

356 {
357  char *domain;
358  const char *var;
361  if (!(var = switch_core_get_variable("domain"))) {
362  var = "freeswitch.local";
363  }
364  if (dup) {
365  domain = strdup(var);
366  } else {
367  domain = (char *) var;
368  }
371  return domain;
372 }
switch_status_t switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:263
switch_thread_rwlock_t * global_var_rwlock
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:227
char * switch_core_get_variable(const char *varname)
Definition: switch_core.c:383
const char* switch_core_get_hostname ( void  )
const char* switch_core_get_switchname ( void  )
char* switch_core_get_uuid ( void  )

Retrieve the unique identifier from the core.

a string representing the uuid

Definition at line 482 of file switch_core.c.

References switch_runtime::uuid_str.

Referenced by switch_core_recovery_recover(), switch_core_recovery_track(), switch_core_recovery_untrack(), switch_event_prep_for_delivery_detailed(), switch_ivr_generate_json_cdr(), and switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr().

483 {
484  return runtime.uuid_str;
485 }
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
char* switch_core_get_variable ( _In_z_ const char *  varname)

Retrieve a global variable from the core.

varnamethe name of the variable
the value of the desired variable

Referenced by get_channels(), init_upnp(), switch_ivr_originate(), and switch_rtp_add_crypto_key().

char* switch_core_get_variable_dup ( _In_z_ const char *  varname)
char* switch_core_get_variable_pdup ( _In_z_ const char *  varname,
switch_memory_pool_t pool 
switch_status_t switch_core_get_variables ( switch_event_t **  event)

Definition at line 374 of file switch_core.c.

References switch_runtime::global_var_rwlock, switch_runtime::global_vars, switch_event_dup(), switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(), and switch_thread_rwlock_unlock().

Referenced by switch_channel_execute_on().

375 {
376  switch_status_t status;
378  status = switch_event_dup(event, runtime.global_vars);
380  return status;
381 }
switch_status_t switch_thread_rwlock_unlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:263
switch_thread_rwlock_t * global_var_rwlock
switch_event_t * global_vars
switch_status_t switch_event_dup(switch_event_t **event, switch_event_t *todup)
Duplicate an event.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_thread_rwlock_rdlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:227
Common return values.
void switch_core_service_session_av ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_bool_t  audio,
switch_bool_t  video 

Launch a service thread on a session to drop inbound data.

sessionthe session the launch thread on
int switch_core_session_add_stream ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_opt_ void *  private_info 

Add a logical stream to a session.

sessionthe session to add the stream to
private_infoan optional pointer to private data for the new stream
the stream id of the new stream
uint32_t switch_core_session_count ( void  )

Provide the total number of sessions.

the total number of allocated sessions

Definition at line 2360 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_session_manager::session_count, and session_manager.

Referenced by send_heartbeat(), switch_core_session_ctl(), and thread_launch_failure().

2361 {
2363 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_event ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Out_ switch_event_t **  event,
switch_bool_t  force 

DE-Queue an event on a given session.

sessionthe session to de-queue the message on
eventthe de-queued event
forceforce the dequeue
the SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the event was de-queued

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), CoreSession::flushEvents(), switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(), switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(), switch_ivr_gentones(), switch_ivr_park(), switch_ivr_play_file(), switch_ivr_record_file(), switch_ivr_session_echo(), switch_ivr_sleep(), and switch_ivr_speak_text_handle().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_message ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Out_ switch_core_session_message_t **  message 

DE-Queue an message on a given session.

sessionthe session to de-queue the message on
messagethe de-queued message
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the message was de-queued

Referenced by switch_ivr_parse_all_messages().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_private_event ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Out_ switch_event_t **  event 

DE-Queue a private event on a given session.

sessionthe session to de-queue the message on
eventthe de-queued event
the SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the event was de-queued

Referenced by switch_ivr_park(), switch_ivr_parse_next_event(), and switch_ivr_speak_text_handle().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_dequeue_signal_data ( switch_core_session_t session,
void **  signal_data 

Definition at line 1079 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_assert, switch_queue_trypop(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Referenced by switch_ivr_parse_signal_data().

1080 {
1082  void *pop;
1084  switch_assert(session != NULL);
1086  if (session->signal_data_queue) {
1087  if ((status = (switch_status_t) switch_queue_trypop(session->signal_data_queue, &pop)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1088  *signal_data = pop;
1089  }
1090  }
1092  return status;
1093 }
switch_status_t switch_queue_trypop(switch_queue_t *queue, void **data)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1140
switch_queue_t * signal_data_queue
Common return values.
#define switch_assert(expr)
void switch_core_session_destroy_state ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 685 of file switch_core_state_machine.c.

References CCS_DOWN, CF_REDIRECT, CF_TRANSFER, CS_DESTROY, switch_endpoint_interface::state_handler, STATE_MACRO, switch_assert, switch_channel_clear_device_record(), switch_channel_clear_flag(), switch_channel_set_callstate, and switch_channel_set_running_state.

Referenced by switch_core_session_perform_destroy().

686 {
688  const switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface;
689  const switch_state_handler_table_t *driver_state_handler = NULL;
690  const switch_state_handler_table_t *application_state_handler = NULL;
691  int proceed = 1;
692  int global_proceed = 1;
693  int do_extra_handlers = 1;
694  int silly = 0;
695  int index = 0;
699  switch_assert(session != NULL);
704  endpoint_interface = session->endpoint_interface;
705  switch_assert(endpoint_interface != NULL);
707  driver_state_handler = endpoint_interface->state_handler;
708  switch_assert(driver_state_handler != NULL);
710  STATE_MACRO(destroy, "DESTROY");
714  return;
715 }
Abstraction of an module endpoint interface This is the glue between the abstract idea of a "channel"...
void switch_channel_clear_device_record(switch_channel_t *channel)
switch_state_handler_table_t * state_handler
switch_channel_t * channel
#define switch_channel_set_running_state(channel, state)
Channel States (these are the defaults, CS_SOFT_EXECUTE, CS_EXCHANGE_MEDIA, and CS_CONSUME_MEDIA are ...
#define switch_channel_set_callstate(channel, state)
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
void switch_channel_clear_flag(switch_channel_t *channel, switch_channel_flag_t flag)
Clear given flag(s) from a channel.
#define switch_assert(expr)
uint32_t switch_core_session_event_count ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Indicate the number of waiting events on a session.

sessionthe session to check
the number of events
switch_status_t switch_core_session_event_send ( _In_z_ const char *  uuid_str,
_Inout_ switch_event_t **  event 

Queue an event on another session using its uuid.

uuid_strthe unique id of the session you want to send a message to
eventthe event to send
the status returned by the message handler
switch_status_t switch_core_session_exec ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ const switch_application_interface_t application_interface,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  arg 

Execute an application on a session.

sessionthe current session
application_interfacethe interface of the application to execute
argapplication arguments
Has to be called from the session's thread
the application's return value

Referenced by collect_thread_run(), switch_ivr_menu_execute(), and switch_ivr_phrase_macro_event().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_application_async ( switch_core_session_t session,
const char *  app,
const char *  arg 

Definition at line 2514 of file switch_core_session.c.

References CF_BLOCK_BROADCAST_UNTIL_MEDIA, CF_PROXY_MODE, switch_channel_set_flag, switch_channel_test_flag(), switch_core_session_queue_private_event(), switch_core_session_strdup, switch_event_add_header_string(), SWITCH_EVENT_COMMAND, switch_event_create, SWITCH_FALSE, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), do_execute_on(), switch_core_session_execute_application_get_flags(), tone_detect_callback(), and tone_on_dtmf().

2515 {
2516  switch_event_t *execute_event;
2517  char *ap, *arp;
2519  if (!arg && strstr(app, "::")) {
2520  ap = switch_core_session_strdup(session, app);
2521  app = ap;
2523  if ((arp = strstr(ap, "::"))) {
2524  *arp = '\0';
2525  arg = arp + 2;
2526  }
2527  }
2530  switch_event_add_header_string(execute_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "call-command", "execute");
2531  switch_event_add_header_string(execute_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "execute-app-name", app);
2533  if (arg) {
2534  switch_event_add_header_string(execute_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "execute-app-arg", arg);
2535  }
2539  }
2541  switch_event_add_header_string(execute_event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "event-lock", "true");
2542  switch_core_session_queue_private_event(session, &execute_event, SWITCH_FALSE);
2545  }
2548 }
Representation of an event.
Definition: switch_event.h:80
uint32_t switch_channel_test_flag(switch_channel_t *channel, switch_channel_flag_t flag)
Test for presence of given flag on a given channel.
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_status_t switch_event_add_header_string(switch_event_t *event, switch_stack_t stack, const char *header_name, const char *data)
Add a string header to an event.
#define switch_event_create(event, id)
Create a new event assuming it will not be custom event and therefore hiding the unused parameters...
Definition: switch_event.h:383
#define switch_channel_set_flag(_c, _f)
#define switch_core_session_strdup(_session, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a session's pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:717
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_private_event(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_event_t **event, switch_bool_t priority)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_application_get_flags ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ const char *  app,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  arg,
_Out_opt_ int32_t *  flags 

Execute an application on a session.

sessionthe current session
appthe application's name
argapplication arguments
flagspointer to a flags variable to set the applications flags to
the application's return value

Referenced by switch_ivr_broadcast().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_execute_exten ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_z_ const char *  exten,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  dialplan,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  context 

Run a dialplan and execute an extension.

sessionthe current session
extenthe interface of the application to execute
argapplication arguments
It does not change the channel back to CS_ROUTING, it manually calls the dialplan and executes the applications
Has to be called from the session's thread
the application's return value
switch_console_callback_match_t* switch_core_session_findall ( void  )

Definition at line 390 of file switch_core_session.c.

References runtime, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, session_manager, switch_session_manager::session_table, switch_console_push_match(), switch_core_hash_first, switch_core_hash_next(), switch_core_hash_this(), switch_core_session_read_lock(), switch_core_session_rwunlock(), switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and switch_core_session::uuid_str.

391 {
393  void *val;
394  switch_core_session_t *session;
395  switch_console_callback_match_t *my_matches = NULL;
399  switch_core_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val);
400  if (val) {
401  session = (switch_core_session_t *) val;
403  switch_console_push_match(&my_matches, session->uuid_str);
405  }
406  }
407  }
410  return my_matches;
411 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_lock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Acquire a read lock on the session.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
void switch_console_push_match(switch_console_callback_match_t **matches, const char *new_val)
void switch_core_hash_this(_In_ switch_hash_index_t *hi, _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(klen) const void **key, _Out_opt_ switch_ssize_t *klen, _Out_ void **val)
Gets the key and value of the current hash element.
switch_hash_index_t * switch_core_hash_next(_In_ switch_hash_index_t **hi)
Gets the next element of a hashtable.
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
void switch_core_session_rwunlock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Unlock a read or write lock on as given session.
switch_hash_t * session_table
#define switch_core_hash_first(_h)
Definition: switch_core.h:1501
switch_console_callback_match_t* switch_core_session_findall_matching_var ( const char *  var_name,
const char *  var_val 

Definition at line 262 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_core_session::channel, str_node::next, pool, runtime, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, session_manager, switch_session_manager::session_table, switch_channel_get_variable_dup(), switch_channel_up_nosig, switch_console_push_match(), switch_core_alloc, switch_core_destroy_memory_pool, switch_core_hash_first, switch_core_hash_next(), switch_core_hash_this(), switch_core_new_memory_pool, switch_core_session_locate, switch_core_session_read_lock(), switch_core_session_rwunlock(), switch_core_strdup, SWITCH_FALSE, switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, switch_stristr(), and switch_core_session::uuid_str.

263 {
265  void *val;
266  switch_core_session_t *session;
268  struct str_node *head = NULL, *np;
269  switch_console_callback_match_t *my_matches = NULL;
270  const char *like = NULL;
272  if (var_val && *var_val == '~') {
273  like = var_val + 1;
274  }
280  switch_core_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val);
281  if (val) {
282  session = (switch_core_session_t *) val;
284  np = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*np));
285  np->str = switch_core_strdup(pool, session->uuid_str);
286  np->next = head;
287  head = np;
289  }
290  }
291  }
294  for(np = head; np; np = np->next) {
295  if ((session = switch_core_session_locate(np->str))) {
296  const char *this_val;
297  if (switch_channel_up_nosig(session->channel) &&
298  (this_val = switch_channel_get_variable_dup(session->channel, var_name, SWITCH_FALSE, -1)) &&
299  (!var_val || (like && switch_stristr(like, var_val)) || !strcmp(this_val, var_val))) {
300  switch_console_push_match(&my_matches, (const char *) np->str);
301  }
303  }
304  }
309  return my_matches;
310 }
#define switch_core_new_memory_pool(p)
Create a new sub memory pool from the core's master pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:631
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
struct str_node * next
#define switch_core_strdup(_pool, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a given pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:729
#define switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(p)
Returns a subpool back to the main pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:640
switch_memory_pool_t * pool
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_lock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Acquire a read lock on the session.
const char * switch_channel_get_variable_dup(switch_channel_t *channel, const char *varname, switch_bool_t dup, int idx)
Retrieve a variable from a given channel.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
#define switch_core_alloc(_pool, _mem)
Allocate memory directly from a memory pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:682
void switch_console_push_match(switch_console_callback_match_t **matches, const char *new_val)
void switch_core_hash_this(_In_ switch_hash_index_t *hi, _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(klen) const void **key, _Out_opt_ switch_ssize_t *klen, _Out_ void **val)
Gets the key and value of the current hash element.
switch_hash_index_t * switch_core_hash_next(_In_ switch_hash_index_t **hi)
Gets the next element of a hashtable.
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
void switch_core_session_rwunlock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Unlock a read or write lock on as given session.
switch_hash_t * session_table
#define switch_core_session_locate(uuid_str)
Locate a session based on it's uuid.
Definition: switch_core.h:916
struct apr_pool_t switch_memory_pool_t
const char * switch_stristr(const char *instr, const char *str)
#define switch_channel_up_nosig(_channel)
#define switch_core_hash_first(_h)
Definition: switch_core.h:1501
switch_status_t switch_core_session_flush_message ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Flush a message queue on a given session.

sessionthe session to de-queue the message on
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the message was de-queued
uint32_t switch_core_session_flush_private_events ( switch_core_session_t session)

Flush the private event queue of a session.

sessionthe session to flush
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the events have been flushed

Definition at line 1276 of file switch_core_session.c.

References check_media, switch_event_destroy(), switch_queue_trypop(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Referenced by switch_core_session_perform_destroy(), and switch_ivr_parse_event().

1277 {
1279  int x = 0;
1280  void *pop;
1282  if (session->private_event_queue) {
1283  while ((status = (switch_status_t) switch_queue_trypop(session->private_event_queue_pri, &pop)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1284  if (pop) {
1285  switch_event_t *event = (switch_event_t *) pop;
1286  switch_event_destroy(&event);
1287  }
1288  x++;
1289  }
1290  while ((status = (switch_status_t) switch_queue_trypop(session->private_event_queue, &pop)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1291  if (pop) {
1292  switch_event_t *event = (switch_event_t *) pop;
1293  switch_event_destroy(&event);
1294  }
1295  x++;
1296  }
1297  check_media(session);
1298  }
1300  return x;
1301 }
Representation of an event.
Definition: switch_event.h:80
switch_status_t switch_queue_trypop(switch_queue_t *queue, void **data)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1140
switch_queue_t * private_event_queue
switch_queue_t * private_event_queue_pri
Common return values.
#define check_media(session)
void switch_event_destroy(switch_event_t **event)
Destroy an event.
void switch_core_session_free_message ( switch_core_session_message_t **  message)

Definition at line 996 of file switch_core_session.c.

References MESSAGE_STRING_ARG_MAX, switch_core_session_message::pointer_arg, SCSMF_DYNAMIC, switch_core_session_message::string_arg, switch_core_session_message::string_array_arg, switch_safe_free, and switch_test_flag.

Referenced by switch_core_session_flush_message(), switch_core_session_perform_receive_message(), and switch_ivr_parse_all_messages().

997 {
998  switch_core_session_message_t *to_free = *message;
999  int i;
1000  char *s;
1002  *message = NULL;
1004  if (switch_test_flag(to_free, SCSMF_DYNAMIC)) {
1005  s = (char *) to_free->string_arg;
1006  switch_safe_free(s);
1007  switch_safe_free(to_free->pointer_arg);
1009  for (i = 0; i < MESSAGE_STRING_ARG_MAX; i++) {
1010  s = (char *) to_free->string_array_arg[i];
1011  switch_safe_free(s);
1012  }
1014  switch_safe_free(to_free);
1015  }
1016 }
Definition: switch_core.h:175
const char * string_array_arg[MESSAGE_STRING_ARG_MAX]
Definition: switch_core.h:209
A message object designed to allow unlike technologies to exchange data.
Definition: switch_core.h:177
#define switch_safe_free(it)
Free a pointer and set it to NULL unless it already is NULL.
Definition: switch_utils.h:789
#define switch_test_flag(obj, flag)
Test for the existance of a flag on an arbitary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:624
switch_status_t switch_core_session_get_app_flags ( const char *  app,
int32_t *  flags 

Definition at line 2489 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_application_interface::flags, switch_assert, SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, switch_loadable_module_get_application_interface(), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, switch_log_printf(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and UNPROTECT_INTERFACE.

Referenced by switch_ivr_broadcast().

2490 {
2491  switch_application_interface_t *application_interface;
2494  switch_assert(flags);
2496  *flags = 0;
2498  if ((application_interface = switch_loadable_module_get_application_interface(app)) == 0) {
2499  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Invalid Application %s\n", app);
2500  goto end;
2501  } else if (application_interface->flags) {
2502  *flags = application_interface->flags;
2504  }
2506  UNPROTECT_INTERFACE(application_interface);
2508  end:
2510  return status;
2512 }
A module interface to implement an application.
switch_application_interface_t * switch_loadable_module_get_application_interface(const char *name)
Retrieve the application interface by it's registered name.
Common return values.
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
#define switch_assert(expr)
switch_app_log_t* switch_core_session_get_app_log ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)
_Ret_ switch_channel_t* switch_core_session_get_channel ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Retrieve a pointer to the channel object associated with a given session.

sessionthe session to retrieve from
a pointer to the channel object

Referenced by audio_bridge_on_consume_media(), audio_bridge_on_exchange_media(), audio_bridge_on_routing(), audio_bridge_thread(), block_on_dtmf(), bridge(), check_channel_status(), cleanup_proxy_mode_a(), cleanup_proxy_mode_b(), collect_thread_run(), CoreSession::CoreSession(), CoreSession::destroy(), do_flush(), dtls_state_fail(), dtmf_callback(), early_thread_run(), eavesdrop_callback(), enterprise_originate_ringback_thread(), enterprise_originate_thread(), exec_app(), exec_cb(), CoreSession::flushDigits(), fs_channel_answer(), fs_channel_get_variable(), fs_channel_hangup(), fs_channel_pre_answer(), fs_channel_set_state(), fs_channel_set_variable(), fs_switch_ivr_originate(), generate_on_dtmf(), handle_ice(), handle_nack(), hanguphook(), inband_dtmf_callback(), inband_dtmf_generate_callback(), inherit_codec(), ivr_send_event(), limit_state_handler(), meta_on_dtmf(), monitor_callback(), CoreSession::originate(), originate_on_consume_media_transmit(), originate_on_routing(), play_and_collect(), play_and_detect_input_callback(), preprocess_callback(), read_displace_callback(), read_rtp_packet(), record_callback(), recording_thread(), recover_callback(), rtp_common_read(), rtp_common_write(), sb_on_dtmf(), send_display(), session_audio_callback(), set_stats(), CoreSession::setHangupHook(), setup_ringback(), signal_bridge_on_hangup(), signal_bridge_on_hibernate(), speech_on_dtmf(), speech_thread(), switch_channel_check_zrtp(), switch_channel_clear_flag_partner(), switch_channel_get_hold_music_partner(), switch_channel_get_variable_partner(), switch_channel_perform_mark_pre_answered(), switch_channel_perform_mark_ring_ready_value(), switch_channel_set_flag_partner(), switch_channel_set_variable_partner_var_check(), switch_channel_test_cap_partner(), switch_channel_test_flag_partner(), switch_core_media_activate_rtp(), switch_core_media_bug_transfer_recordings(), switch_core_media_build_crypto(), switch_core_media_copy_t38_options(), switch_core_media_find_zrtp_hash(), switch_core_media_negotiate_sdp(), switch_core_media_pass_zrtp_hash(), switch_core_media_process_sdp_filter(), switch_core_media_receive_message(), switch_core_media_set_r_sdp_codec_string(), switch_core_media_toggle_hold(), switch_core_recovery_track(), switch_core_recovery_untrack(), switch_core_service_session_av(), switch_core_service_thread(), switch_core_session_check_outgoing_crypto(), switch_core_session_read_frame(), switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(), switch_core_session_set_read_codec(), switch_core_session_set_real_read_codec(), switch_core_session_set_video_read_codec(), switch_core_session_set_video_write_codec(), switch_core_session_set_write_codec(), switch_core_session_write_frame(), switch_core_standard_on_reset(), switch_core_thread_session_end(), switch_ivr_3p_media(), switch_ivr_3p_nomedia(), switch_ivr_activate_unicast(), switch_ivr_bind_dtmf_meta_session(), switch_ivr_blind_transfer_ack(), switch_ivr_block_dtmf_session(), switch_ivr_broadcast(), switch_ivr_clear_speech_cache(), switch_ivr_collect_digits_callback(), switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(), switch_ivr_deactivate_unicast(), switch_ivr_delay_echo(), switch_ivr_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_disable_all_grammars(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_disable_grammar(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_enable_grammar(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_init(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_load_grammar(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_start_input_timers(), switch_ivr_detect_speech_unload_grammar(), switch_ivr_displace_session(), switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(), switch_ivr_eavesdrop_update_display(), switch_ivr_enterprise_originate(), switch_ivr_find_bridged_uuid(), switch_ivr_generate_json_cdr(), switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(), switch_ivr_gentones(), switch_ivr_get_file_handle(), switch_ivr_hold(), switch_ivr_hold_toggle_uuid(), switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_generate_session(), switch_ivr_inband_dtmf_session(), switch_ivr_insert_file(), switch_ivr_intercept_session(), switch_ivr_kill_uuid(), switch_ivr_media(), switch_ivr_menu_execute(), switch_ivr_multi_threaded_bridge(), switch_ivr_nomedia(), switch_ivr_originate(), switch_ivr_park(), switch_ivr_park_session(), switch_ivr_parse_all_events(), switch_ivr_parse_event(), switch_ivr_parse_next_event(), switch_ivr_parse_signal_data(), switch_ivr_pause_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_phrase_macro_event(), switch_ivr_play_and_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_play_file(), switch_ivr_preprocess_session(), switch_ivr_process_indications(), switch_ivr_read(), switch_ivr_record_file(), switch_ivr_record_session(), switch_ivr_record_session_mask(), switch_ivr_resume_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_say(), switch_ivr_say_string(), switch_ivr_session_audio(), switch_ivr_session_echo(), switch_ivr_session_transfer(), switch_ivr_set_param_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_set_user_xml(), switch_ivr_signal_bridge(), switch_ivr_sleep(), switch_ivr_soft_hold(), switch_ivr_sound_test(), switch_ivr_speak_text(), switch_ivr_speak_text_handle(), switch_ivr_stop_detect_speech(), switch_ivr_stop_displace_session(), switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_generate_session(), switch_ivr_stop_inband_dtmf_session(), switch_ivr_stop_record_session(), switch_ivr_stop_session_audio(), switch_ivr_stop_tone_detect_session(), switch_ivr_stop_video_write_overlay_session(), switch_ivr_tone_detect_session(), switch_ivr_transfer_recordings(), switch_ivr_transfer_variable(), switch_ivr_unbind_dtmf_meta_session(), switch_ivr_unblock_dtmf_session(), switch_ivr_unhold(), switch_ivr_uuid_bridge(), switch_ivr_video_write_overlay_session(), switch_ivr_wait_for_answer(), switch_ivr_wait_for_silence(), switch_jb_set_session(), switch_limit_incr(), switch_play_and_get_digits(), switch_process_import(), switch_regex_set_var_callback(), switch_rtp_activate_jitter_buffer(), switch_rtp_add_crypto_key(), switch_rtp_break(), switch_rtp_create(), switch_rtp_enable_vad(), switch_rtp_set_flag(), switch_rtp_set_flags(), switch_rtp_set_local_address(), switch_rtp_sync_stats(), switch_rtp_write_frame(), switch_rtp_zerocopy_read_frame(), SWITCH_STANDARD_SCHED_FUNC(), tone_detect_callback(), tone_detect_set_total_time(), tone_on_dtmf(), transfer_after_bridge(), uuid_bridge_on_hibernate(), uuid_bridge_on_reset(), uuid_bridge_on_soft_execute(), video_helper_thread(), video_write_overlay_callback(), and write_displace_callback().

switch_ivr_dmachine_t* switch_core_session_get_dmachine ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_digit_action_target_t  target 

Definition at line 56 of file switch_core_session.c.

Referenced by signal_bridge_on_hibernate().

57 {
58  int i = (int) target;
60  if (i == 0 || i == 1) {
61  return session->dmachine[i];
62  }
64  return NULL;
65 }
switch_ivr_dmachine_t * dmachine[2]
switch_size_t switch_core_session_get_id ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)
switch_jb_t* switch_core_session_get_jb ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_media_type_t  type 

Definition at line 68 of file switch_core_session.c.

69 {
70  if (session->endpoint_interface->io_routines->get_jb) {
71  return session->endpoint_interface->io_routines->get_jb(session, type);
72  }
74  return NULL;
75 }
switch_io_routines_t * io_routines
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
switch_log_level_t switch_core_session_get_loglevel ( switch_core_session_t session)

Get the log level for a session.

sessionthe session to get the log level from
the log level

Definition at line 2921 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_assert.

2922 {
2923  switch_assert(session != NULL);
2924  return session->loglevel;
2925 }
switch_log_level_t loglevel
#define switch_assert(expr)
switch_mutex_t* switch_core_session_get_mutex ( switch_core_session_t session)

Signal a session's state machine thread that a state change has occured.

Definition at line 1361 of file switch_core_session.c.

Referenced by careful_set().

1362 {
1363  return session->mutex;
1364 }
switch_mutex_t * mutex
void* switch_core_session_get_private_class ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ switch_pvt_class_t  index 

Retrieve private user data from a session.

sessionthe session to retrieve from
a pointer to the private data
void* switch_core_session_get_stream ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ int  index 

Retreive a logical stream from a session.

sessionthe session to add the stream to
indexthe index to retrieve
the stream
int switch_core_session_get_stream_count ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Determine the number of logical streams a session has.

sessionthe session to query
the total number of logical streams
char* switch_core_session_get_uuid ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)
void switch_core_session_hangup_state ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_bool_t  force 

Definition at line 758 of file switch_core_state_machine.c.

References api_hook(), CCS_HANGUP, CF_EARLY_HANGUP, runtime, SCF_EARLY_HANGUP, SSF_HANGUP, switch_endpoint_interface::state_handler, STATE_MACRO, SWITCH_API_HANGUP_HOOK_VARIABLE, switch_assert, switch_channel_cause2str(), switch_channel_get_cause(), switch_channel_get_cause_q850(), switch_channel_get_name(), switch_channel_get_state(), switch_channel_get_variable, switch_channel_process_device_hangup(), SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG, switch_channel_set_callstate, switch_channel_set_hangup_time(), switch_channel_set_timestamps(), switch_channel_set_variable, switch_channel_set_variable_printf(), switch_channel_stop_broadcast, switch_channel_test_flag(), switch_core_media_bug_remove_all, switch_core_media_set_stats(), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, switch_log_printf(), SWITCH_SESSION_IN_HANGUP_HOOK_VARIABLE, switch_set_flag, switch_test_flag, switch_thread_self(), and switch_true().

Referenced by CoreSession::hangupState(), switch_channel_perform_hangup(), and switch_core_session_run().

759 {
762  int proceed = 1;
763  int global_proceed = 1;
764  int do_extra_handlers = 1;
765  int silly = 0;
766  int index = 0;
767  switch_channel_state_t state = switch_channel_get_state(session->channel), midstate = state;
768  const switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface;
769  const switch_state_handler_table_t *driver_state_handler = NULL;
770  const switch_state_handler_table_t *application_state_handler = NULL;
771  const char *hook_var;
772  int use_session = 0;
774  if (!force) {
776  return;
777  }
779  if (switch_thread_self() != session->thread_id) {
780  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "%s thread mismatch skipping state handler.\n",
781  switch_channel_get_name(session->channel));
782  return;
783  }
784  }
786  if (switch_test_flag(session, SSF_HANGUP)) {
787  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "%s handler already called, skipping state handler.\n",
788  switch_channel_get_name(session->channel));
789  return;
790  }
792  endpoint_interface = session->endpoint_interface;
793  switch_assert(endpoint_interface != NULL);
795  driver_state_handler = endpoint_interface->state_handler;
796  switch_assert(driver_state_handler != NULL);
804  switch_channel_set_variable(session->channel, "hangup_cause", switch_channel_cause2str(cause));
805  switch_channel_set_variable_printf(session->channel, "hangup_cause_q850", "%d", cause_q850);
806  //switch_channel_presence(session->channel, "unknown", switch_channel_cause2str(cause), NULL);
811  STATE_MACRO(hangup, "HANGUP");
818  use_session = 1;
819  }
821  api_hook(session, hook_var, use_session);
822  }
826  switch_set_flag(session, SSF_HANGUP);
828 }
switch_status_t switch_channel_set_variable_printf(switch_channel_t *channel, const char *varname, const char *fmt,...)
switch_channel_state_t switch_channel_get_state(switch_channel_t *channel)
Get the current state of a channel in the state engine.
#define switch_set_flag(obj, flag)
Set a flag on an arbitrary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:631
switch_status_t switch_channel_set_timestamps(_In_ switch_channel_t *channel)
void switch_channel_set_hangup_time(switch_channel_t *channel)
Abstraction of an module endpoint interface This is the glue between the abstract idea of a "channel"...
const char * switch_channel_cause2str(_In_ switch_call_cause_t cause)
return a cause string for a given cause
#define switch_channel_stop_broadcast(_channel)
void switch_channel_process_device_hangup(switch_channel_t *channel)
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
static int switch_true(const char *expr)
Evaluate the truthfullness of a string expression.
Definition: switch_utils.h:450
uint32_t switch_channel_test_flag(switch_channel_t *channel, switch_channel_flag_t flag)
Test for presence of given flag on a given channel.
switch_state_handler_table_t * state_handler
switch_channel_t * channel
#define switch_channel_get_variable(_c, _v)
Definition: switch_types.h:176
void switch_core_media_set_stats(switch_core_session_t *session)
Channel States (these are the defaults, CS_SOFT_EXECUTE, CS_EXCHANGE_MEDIA, and CS_CONSUME_MEDIA are ...
#define switch_channel_set_callstate(channel, state)
#define switch_core_media_bug_remove_all(_s)
Definition: switch_core.h:404
switch_call_cause_t switch_channel_get_cause_q850(switch_channel_t *channel)
static void api_hook(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *hook_var, int use_session)
#define switch_test_flag(obj, flag)
Test for the existance of a flag on an arbitary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:624
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
switch_thread_id_t switch_thread_self(void)
Definition: switch_apr.c:79
switch_thread_id_t thread_id
#define switch_assert(expr)
#define switch_channel_set_variable(_channel, _var, _val)
Definition: switch_types.h:174
char * switch_channel_get_name(switch_channel_t *channel)
Retrieve the name of a given channel.
switch_call_cause_t switch_channel_get_cause(_In_ switch_channel_t *channel)
return the cause code for a given channel
void switch_core_session_hupall ( _In_ switch_call_cause_t  cause)

Hangup all sessions.

causethe hangup cause to apply to the hungup channels

Referenced by switch_core_destroy(), and switch_core_session_ctl().

void switch_core_session_hupall_endpoint ( const switch_endpoint_interface_t endpoint_interface,
switch_call_cause_t  cause 

Hangup all sessions that belong to an endpoint.

endpoint_interfaceThe endpoint interface
causethe hangup cause to apply to the hungup channels

Definition at line 312 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_core_session::channel, switch_core_session::endpoint_interface, str_node::next, pool, runtime, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, session_manager, switch_session_manager::session_table, switch_channel_hangup, switch_core_alloc, switch_core_destroy_memory_pool, switch_core_hash_first, switch_core_hash_next(), switch_core_hash_this(), switch_core_new_memory_pool, switch_core_session_locate, switch_core_session_read_lock(), switch_core_session_rwunlock(), switch_core_strdup, switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and switch_core_session::uuid_str.

Referenced by switch_loadable_module_unprocess().

313 {
315  void *val;
316  switch_core_session_t *session;
318  struct str_node *head = NULL, *np;
324  switch_core_hash_this(hi, NULL, NULL, &val);
325  if (val) {
326  session = (switch_core_session_t *) val;
328  if (session->endpoint_interface == endpoint_interface) {
329  np = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*np));
330  np->str = switch_core_strdup(pool, session->uuid_str);
331  np->next = head;
332  head = np;
333  }
335  }
336  }
337  }
340  for(np = head; np; np = np->next) {
341  if ((session = switch_core_session_locate(np->str))) {
342  switch_channel_hangup(session->channel, cause);
344  }
345  }
349 }
#define switch_channel_hangup(channel, hangup_cause)
Hangup a channel flagging it's state machine to end.
#define switch_core_new_memory_pool(p)
Create a new sub memory pool from the core's master pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:631
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
struct str_node * next
#define switch_core_strdup(_pool, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a given pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:729
#define switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(p)
Returns a subpool back to the main pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:640
switch_memory_pool_t * pool
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_lock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Acquire a read lock on the session.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
#define switch_core_alloc(_pool, _mem)
Allocate memory directly from a memory pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:682
void switch_core_hash_this(_In_ switch_hash_index_t *hi, _Out_opt_ptrdiff_cap_(klen) const void **key, _Out_opt_ switch_ssize_t *klen, _Out_ void **val)
Gets the key and value of the current hash element.
switch_hash_index_t * switch_core_hash_next(_In_ switch_hash_index_t **hi)
Gets the next element of a hashtable.
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
void switch_core_session_rwunlock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Unlock a read or write lock on as given session.
switch_hash_t * session_table
#define switch_core_session_locate(uuid_str)
Locate a session based on it's uuid.
Definition: switch_core.h:916
struct apr_pool_t switch_memory_pool_t
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
#define switch_core_hash_first(_h)
Definition: switch_core.h:1501
uint32_t switch_core_session_hupall_matching_var_ans ( _In_ const char *  var_name,
_In_ const char *  var_val,
_In_ switch_call_cause_t  cause,
switch_hup_type_t  type 

Hangup all sessions which match a specific channel variable.

var_nameThe variable name to look for
var_valThe value to look for
causethe hangup cause to apply to the hungup channels
switch_size_t switch_core_session_id ( void  )

Provide the current session_id.

the total number of allocated sessions since core startup

Definition at line 2378 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_session_manager::session_id, and session_manager.

Referenced by send_heartbeat().

2379 {
2380  return session_manager.session_id;
2381 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
switch_size_t switch_core_session_id_dec ( void  )

Definition at line 2370 of file switch_core_session.c.

References runtime, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, switch_session_manager::session_id, session_manager, switch_mutex_lock(), and switch_mutex_unlock().

2371 {
2375  return session_manager.session_id;
2376 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
void switch_core_session_launch_thread ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ void *(*)(switch_thread_t *, void *)  func,
_In_opt_ void *  obj 

Launch a thread designed to exist within the scope of a given session.

sessiona session to allocate the thread from
funca function to execute in the thread
objan arguement

Referenced by switch_core_service_session_av().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_message_send ( _In_z_ const char *  uuid_str,
_In_ switch_core_session_message_t message 

Send a message to another session using it's uuid.

uuid_strthe unique id of the session you want to send a message to
messagethe switch_core_session_message_t object to send
the status returned by the message handler
uint32_t switch_core_session_messages_waiting ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 1151 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_queue_size().

Referenced by check_channel_status().

1152 {
1153  int x = 0;
1155  if (session->private_event_queue) {
1156  x += switch_queue_size(session->private_event_queue);
1157  }
1159  if (session->message_queue) {
1160  x += switch_queue_size(session->message_queue);
1161  }
1163  return x;
1164 }
unsigned int switch_queue_size(switch_queue_t *queue)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1114
switch_queue_t * private_event_queue
switch_queue_t * message_queue
switch_call_cause_t switch_core_session_outgoing_channel ( _In_opt_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_opt_ switch_event_t var_event,
_In_z_ const char *  endpoint_name,
_In_ switch_caller_profile_t caller_profile,
_Inout_ switch_core_session_t **  new_session,
_Inout_ switch_memory_pool_t **  pool,
_In_ switch_originate_flag_t  flags,
switch_call_cause_t cancel_cause 

Request an outgoing session spawned from an existing session using a desired endpoing module.

sessionthe originating session
var_eventswitch_event_t containing paramaters
endpoint_namethe name of the module to use for the new session
caller_profilethe originator's caller profile
new_sessiona NULL pointer to aim at the newly created session
pooloptional existing memory pool to donate to the session
flagsflags to use
the cause code of the attempted call

Referenced by switch_ivr_originate().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_pass_indication ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ switch_core_session_message_types_t  indication 

pass an indication message on a session

sessionthe session to pass the message across
indicationthe indication message to pass
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the message was passed
void switch_core_session_perform_destroy ( _Inout_ switch_core_session_t **  session,
_In_z_ const char *  file,
_In_z_ const char *  func,
_In_ int  line 
switch_core_session_t* switch_core_session_perform_force_locate ( const char *  uuid_str,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line 

Definition at line 152 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_core_session::channel, runtime, switch_core_session::rwlock, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, session_manager, switch_session_manager::session_table, SSF_DESTROYED, switch_channel_get_name(), SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, switch_core_hash_find(), switch_core_session_get_uuid(), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, switch_log_printf(), switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, switch_test_flag, and switch_thread_rwlock_tryrdlock().

153 {
154  switch_core_session_t *session = NULL;
155  switch_status_t status;
157  if (uuid_str) {
159  if ((session = switch_core_hash_find(session_manager.session_table, uuid_str))) {
160  /* Acquire a read lock on the session */
162  if (switch_test_flag(session, SSF_DESTROYED)) {
163  status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
165  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, file, func, line, uuid_str, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "%s %s Read lock FAIL\n",
167 #endif
168  } else {
171  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, file, func, line, uuid_str, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "%s %s Read lock ACQUIRED\n",
173 #endif
174  }
176  if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
177  /* not available, forget it */
178  session = NULL;
179  }
180  }
182  }
184  /* if its not NULL, now it's up to you to rwunlock this */
185  return session;
186 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
void * switch_core_hash_find(_In_ switch_hash_t *hash, _In_z_ const char *key)
Retrieve data from a given hash.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
switch_status_t switch_thread_rwlock_tryrdlock(switch_thread_rwlock_t *rwlock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:232
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
Common return values.
switch_hash_t * session_table
#define switch_test_flag(obj, flag)
Test for the existance of a flag on an arbitary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:624
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
char * switch_channel_get_name(switch_channel_t *channel)
Retrieve the name of a given channel.
switch_thread_rwlock_t * rwlock
char * switch_core_session_get_uuid(switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_get_partner ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_core_session_t **  partner,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line 

Get the session's partner (the session its bridged to)

sessionThe session we're searching with
partner[out] The session's partner, or NULL if it wasnt found
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS or SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE if this session isn't bridged

Definition at line 189 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_channel_get_partner_uuid(), switch_core_session_perform_locate(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

191 {
192  const char *uuid;
194  if ((uuid = switch_channel_get_partner_uuid(session->channel))) {
195  if ((*partner = switch_core_session_perform_locate(uuid, file, func, line))) {
197  }
198  }
200  *partner = NULL;
202 }
const char * switch_channel_get_partner_uuid(switch_channel_t *channel)
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_core_session_t * switch_core_session_perform_locate(const char *uuid_str, const char *file, const char *func, int line)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_kill_channel ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line,
switch_signal_t  sig 
switch_core_session_t* switch_core_session_perform_locate ( const char *  uuid_str,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line 

Definition at line 121 of file switch_core_session.c.

References runtime, switch_runtime::session_hash_mutex, session_manager, switch_session_manager::session_table, switch_core_hash_find(), switch_core_session_read_lock(), switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Referenced by switch_core_session_perform_get_partner().

122 {
123  switch_core_session_t *session = NULL;
125  if (uuid_str) {
127  if ((session = switch_core_hash_find(session_manager.session_table, uuid_str))) {
128  /* Acquire a read lock on the session */
130  if (switch_core_session_perform_read_lock(session, file, func, line) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
132  }
133 #endif
134 #else
136 #endif
137  /* not available, forget it */
138  session = NULL;
139  }
140  }
142  }
144  /* if its not NULL, now it's up to you to rwunlock this */
145  return session;
146 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
void * switch_core_hash_find(_In_ switch_hash_t *hash, _In_z_ const char *key)
Retrieve data from a given hash.
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_lock(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session)
Acquire a read lock on the session.
struct switch_runtime runtime
Definition: switch_core.c:64
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
switch_mutex_t * session_hash_mutex
switch_hash_t * session_table
switch_status_t switch_core_session_perform_receive_message ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ switch_core_session_message_t message,
const char *  file,
const char *  func,
int  line 

Receive a message on a given session.

sessionthe session to receive the message from
messagethe message to recieve
the status returned by the message handler

Referenced by send_ind(), switch_channel_perform_answer(), switch_channel_perform_pre_answer(), and switch_channel_perform_ring_ready_value().

uint32_t switch_core_session_private_event_count ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Indicate the number of waiting private events on a session.

sessionthe session to check
the number of events

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_event ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Inout_ switch_event_t **  event 

Queue an event on a given session.

sessionthe session to queue the message on
eventthe event to queue
the status returned by the message handler

Referenced by generate_on_dtmf(), speech_thread(), switch_channel_dequeue_dtmf(), and tone_detect_callback().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_indication ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ switch_core_session_message_types_t  indication 

Queue an indication message on a session.

sessionthe session to queue the message to
indicationthe indication message to queue
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the message was queued
switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_message ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ switch_core_session_message_t message 

Queue a message on a session.

sessionthe session to queue the message to
messagethe message to queue
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the message was queued

Referenced by hanguphook(), send_display(), switch_channel_perform_audio_sync(), switch_channel_perform_video_sync(), and switch_core_media_negotiate_sdp().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_private_event ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Inout_ switch_event_t **  event,
switch_bool_t  priority 

Queue a private event on a given session.

sessionthe session to queue the message on
eventthe event to queue
priorityevent has high priority
the status returned by the message handler

Referenced by switch_ivr_broadcast().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_queue_signal_data ( switch_core_session_t session,
void *  signal_data 

Definition at line 1059 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_assert, switch_core_session_kill_channel, switch_core_session_wake_session_thread(), switch_queue_push(), SWITCH_SIG_BREAK, SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

1060 {
1063  switch_assert(session != NULL);
1065  if (session->signal_data_queue) {
1066  if (switch_queue_push(session->signal_data_queue, signal_data) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1068  }
1074  }
1076  return status;
1077 }
switch_status_t switch_core_session_wake_session_thread(switch_core_session_t *session)
switch_queue_t * signal_data_queue
Common return values.
switch_status_t switch_queue_push(switch_queue_t *queue, void *data)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1129
#define switch_assert(expr)
#define switch_core_session_kill_channel(session, sig)
Send a signal to a channel.
Definition: switch_core.h:1352
void switch_core_session_raw_read ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 2933 of file switch_core_session.c.

References memset(), switch_core_codec_destroy(), switch_core_codec_ready(), switch_core_session_alloc, and switch_core_session_set_codec_slin().

Referenced by switch_ivr_session_echo().

2934 {
2935  if (session->sdata) {
2936  if (session->sdata && switch_core_codec_ready(&session->sdata->codec)) {
2938  }
2939  memset(session->sdata, 0, sizeof(*session->sdata));
2940  } else {
2941  session->sdata = switch_core_session_alloc(session, sizeof(*session->sdata));
2942  }
2944  switch_core_session_set_codec_slin(session, session->sdata);
2945 }
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_codec_slin(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_slin_data_t *data)
switch_status_t switch_core_codec_destroy(switch_codec_t *codec)
Destroy an initalized codec handle.
#define switch_core_session_alloc(_session, _memory)
Allocate memory from a session's pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:694
static switch_bool_t switch_core_codec_ready(switch_codec_t *codec)
switch_slin_data_t * sdata
memset(buf, 0, buflen)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_frame ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_frame_t **  frame,
switch_io_flag_t  flags,
int  stream_id 
switch_status_t switch_core_session_read_video_frame ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_frame_t **  frame,
switch_io_flag_t  flags,
int  stream_id 

Read a video frame from a session.

sessionthe session to read from
framea NULL pointer to a frame to aim at the newly read frame
flagsI/O flags to modify behavior (i.e. non blocking)
stream_idwhich logical media channel to use
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS a if the frame was read

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), and switch_core_service_thread().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_receive_event ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_Inout_ switch_event_t **  event 

Send an event to a session translating it to it's native message format.

sessionthe session to receive the event
eventthe event to receive
the status returned by the handler

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), and CoreSession::sendEvent().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_recv_dtmf ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_dtmf_t dtmf 

RECV DTMF on a session.

sessionsession to recv DTMF from
dtmfstring to recv from the session
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the dtmf is ok to queue

Referenced by switch_channel_queue_dtmf().

void switch_core_session_reporting_state ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 830 of file switch_core_state_machine.c.

References api_hook(), CF_NO_CDR, CF_REPORTING, db_job::event, switch_endpoint_interface::state_handler, STATE_MACRO, SWITCH_API_REPORTING_HOOK_VARIABLE, switch_assert, switch_channel_cause2str(), switch_channel_event_set_data(), switch_channel_get_cause(), switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(), switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(), switch_channel_get_state(), switch_channel_get_variable, switch_channel_set_flag, switch_channel_str2cause(), switch_channel_test_flag(), switch_core_session_strdup, switch_event_add_body(), switch_event_add_header_string(), SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_HANGUP_COMPLETE, switch_event_create, switch_event_fire, SWITCH_FALSE, switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(), SWITCH_PROCESS_CDR_VARIABLE, switch_safe_free, SWITCH_SESSION_IN_HANGUP_HOOK_VARIABLE, SWITCH_SKIP_CDR_CAUSES_VARIABLE, switch_split, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, switch_true(), switch_xml_free(), switch_xml_toxml(), and zstr.

Referenced by switch_core_session_run().

831 {
832  switch_channel_state_t state = switch_channel_get_state(session->channel), midstate = state;
833  const switch_endpoint_interface_t *endpoint_interface;
834  const switch_state_handler_table_t *driver_state_handler = NULL;
835  const switch_state_handler_table_t *application_state_handler = NULL;
836  int proceed = 1;
837  int global_proceed = 1;
838  int do_extra_handlers = 1;
839  int silly = 0;
840  int index = 0;
842  const char *skip_var = switch_channel_get_variable(session->channel, SWITCH_SKIP_CDR_CAUSES_VARIABLE);
843  const char *hook_var;
844  int use_session = 0;
845  switch_event_t *event;
849  return;
850  }
854  switch_assert(session != NULL);
856  endpoint_interface = session->endpoint_interface;
857  switch_assert(endpoint_interface != NULL);
859  driver_state_handler = endpoint_interface->state_handler;
860  switch_assert(driver_state_handler != NULL);
862  if (!zstr(var)) {
863  if (!strcasecmp(var, "a_only")) {
865  do_extra_handlers = 0;
866  }
867  } else if (!strcasecmp(var, "b_only")) {
869  do_extra_handlers = 0;
870  }
871  } else if (!switch_true(var)) {
872  do_extra_handlers = 0;
873  }
874  }
877  if (!zstr(skip_var)) {
878  int x, ttl = 0;
879  char *list[128] = { 0 };
880  char *dup = switch_core_session_strdup(session, skip_var);
882  ttl = switch_split(dup, '|', list);
884  for(x = 0; x < ttl; x++) {
885  if (switch_channel_str2cause(list[x]) == cause) {
886  do_extra_handlers = 0;
887  break;
888  }
889  }
890  }
892  if (switch_channel_test_flag(session->channel, CF_NO_CDR)) {
893  do_extra_handlers = 0;
894  }
897  STATE_MACRO(reporting, "REPORTING");
902  use_session = 1;
903  }
905  api_hook(session, hook_var, use_session);
906  }
910  switch_channel_event_set_data(session->channel, event);
911  if (switch_true(switch_channel_get_variable(session->channel, "hangup_complete_with_xml"))) {
912  switch_xml_t cdr = NULL;
913  char *xml_cdr_text;
915  if (switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(session, &cdr) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
916  xml_cdr_text = switch_xml_toxml(cdr, SWITCH_FALSE);
917  switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "CDR-Attached", "xml");
918  switch_event_add_body(event, "%s", xml_cdr_text);
919  switch_xml_free(cdr);
920  switch_safe_free(xml_cdr_text);
921  }
922  }
923  switch_event_fire(&event);
924  }
928  return;
929 }
switch_channel_state_t switch_channel_get_state(switch_channel_t *channel)
Get the current state of a channel in the state engine.
#define switch_event_fire(event)
Fire an event filling in most of the arguements with obvious values.
Definition: switch_event.h:412
void switch_xml_free(_In_opt_ switch_xml_t xml)
frees the memory allocated for an switch_xml structure
char * switch_xml_toxml(_In_ switch_xml_t xml, _In_ switch_bool_t prn_header)
Converts an switch_xml structure back to xml in html format. Returns a string of html data that \ mus...
Abstraction of an module endpoint interface This is the glue between the abstract idea of a "channel"...
const char * switch_channel_cause2str(_In_ switch_call_cause_t cause)
return a cause string for a given cause
void switch_channel_event_set_data(_In_ switch_channel_t *channel, _In_ switch_event_t *event)
Add information about a given channel to an event object.
#define switch_split(_data, _delim, _array)
Definition: switch_utils.h:342
Representation of an event.
Definition: switch_event.h:80
switch_status_t switch_event_add_body(switch_event_t *event, const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(2
Add a body to an event.
A representation of an XML tree.
Definition: switch_xml.h:76
static int switch_true(const char *expr)
Evaluate the truthfullness of a string expression.
Definition: switch_utils.h:450
uint32_t switch_channel_test_flag(switch_channel_t *channel, switch_channel_flag_t flag)
Test for presence of given flag on a given channel.
Definition: switch_types.h:178
#define zstr(x)
Definition: switch_utils.h:281
switch_caller_profile_t * switch_channel_get_originatee_caller_profile(switch_channel_t *channel)
Retrieve the given channel's originatee caller profile.
switch_state_handler_table_t * state_handler
Definition: switch_types.h:177
switch_channel_t * channel
Definition: switch_types.h:175
#define switch_channel_get_variable(_c, _v)
switch_status_t switch_event_add_header_string(switch_event_t *event, switch_stack_t stack, const char *header_name, const char *data)
Add a string header to an event.
#define switch_safe_free(it)
Free a pointer and set it to NULL unless it already is NULL.
Definition: switch_utils.h:789
Definition: switch_types.h:176
switch_call_cause_t switch_channel_str2cause(_In_ const char *str)
return a cause code for a given string
Channel States (these are the defaults, CS_SOFT_EXECUTE, CS_EXCHANGE_MEDIA, and CS_CONSUME_MEDIA are ...
#define switch_event_create(event, id)
Create a new event assuming it will not be custom event and therefore hiding the unused parameters...
Definition: switch_event.h:383
#define switch_channel_set_flag(_c, _f)
static void api_hook(switch_core_session_t *session, const char *hook_var, int use_session)
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
#define switch_core_session_strdup(_session, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a session's pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:717
#define switch_assert(expr)
switch_status_t switch_ivr_generate_xml_cdr(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_xml_t *xml_cdr)
Generate an XML CDR report.
Definition: switch_ivr.c:2713
switch_call_cause_t switch_channel_get_cause(_In_ switch_channel_t *channel)
return the cause code for a given channel
switch_caller_profile_t * switch_channel_get_originator_caller_profile(switch_channel_t *channel)
Retrieve the given channel's originator caller profile.
switch_core_session_t* switch_core_session_request_by_name ( _In_z_ const char *  endpoint_name,
_In_ switch_call_direction_t  direction,
_Inout_ switch_memory_pool_t **  pool 

Allocate and return a new session from the core based on a given endpoint module name.

endpoint_namethe name of the endpoint module
poolthe pool to use
the newly created session
switch_core_session_t* switch_core_session_request_uuid ( _In_ switch_endpoint_interface_t endpoint_interface,
_In_ switch_call_direction_t  direction,
switch_originate_flag_t  originate_flags,
_Inout_opt_ switch_memory_pool_t **  pool,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  use_uuid 

Allocate and return a new session from the core.

endpoint_interfacethe endpoint interface the session is to be based on
poolthe pool to use for the allocation (a new one will be used if NULL)
the newly created session
void switch_core_session_reset ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_bool_t  flush_dtmf,
switch_bool_t  reset_read_codec 
switch_status_t switch_core_session_send_dtmf ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_dtmf_t dtmf 

Send DTMF to a session.

sessionsession to send DTMF to
dtmfdtmf to send to the session
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the dtmf was written

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_send_dtmf_string ( switch_core_session_t session,
const char *  dtmf_string 

Send DTMF to a session.

sessionsession to send DTMF to
dtmf_stringstring to send to the session
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the dtmf was written

Definition at line 1823 of file switch_core_io.c.

References switch_dtmf_t::digit, DTMF_FLAG_SKIP_PROCESS, switch_dtmf_t::duration, switch_dtmf_t::flags, is_dtmf, switch_assert, switch_channel_down, switch_channel_get_name(), switch_channel_pre_answer, SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG, switch_channel_set_variable, switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(), switch_core_max_dtmf_duration(), switch_core_min_dtmf_duration(), switch_core_session_send_dtmf(), switch_core_session_strdup, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, switch_log_printf(), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, switch_separate_string(), switch_snprintf(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and zstr.

1824 {
1825  char *p;
1827  int sent = 0, dur;
1828  char *string;
1829  int i, argc;
1830  char *argv[256];
1831  int dur_total = 0;
1833  switch_assert(session != NULL);
1835  if (zstr(dtmf_string)) {
1837  }
1839  if (*dtmf_string == '~') {
1840  dtmf_string++;
1841  dtmf.flags = 0;
1842  }
1844  if (switch_channel_down(session->channel)) {
1846  }
1849  if (strlen(dtmf_string) > 99) {
1850  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Attempt to send very large dtmf string ignored!\n");
1852  }
1854  string = switch_core_session_strdup(session, dtmf_string);
1855  argc = switch_separate_string(string, '+', argv, (sizeof(argv) / sizeof(argv[0])));
1857  if (argc) {
1859  }
1861  for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
1863  dur = switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(0) / 8;
1864  if ((p = strchr(argv[i], '@'))) {
1865  *p++ = '\0';
1866  if ((dur = atoi(p)) > (int)switch_core_min_dtmf_duration(0) / 8) {
1867  dtmf.duration = dur * 8;
1868  }
1869  }
1872  for (p = argv[i]; p && *p; p++) {
1873  if (is_dtmf(*p)) {
1874  dtmf.digit = *p;
1876  if (dtmf.digit != 'w' && dtmf.digit != 'W') {
1877  if (dtmf.duration > switch_core_max_dtmf_duration(0)) {
1878  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "%s EXCESSIVE DTMF DIGIT [%c] LEN [%d]\n",
1879  switch_channel_get_name(session->channel), dtmf.digit, dtmf.duration);
1881  } else if (dtmf.duration < switch_core_min_dtmf_duration(0)) {
1882  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "%s SHORT DTMF DIGIT [%c] LEN [%d]\n",
1883  switch_channel_get_name(session->channel), dtmf.digit, dtmf.duration);
1885  }
1886  }
1888  if (!dtmf.duration) {
1890  }
1893  if (switch_core_session_send_dtmf(session, &dtmf) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
1894  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "%s send dtmf\ndigit=%c ms=%u samples=%u\n",
1895  switch_channel_get_name(session->channel), dtmf.digit, dur, dtmf.duration);
1896  sent++;
1897  dur_total += dtmf.duration + 2000; /* account for 250ms pause */
1898  }
1899  }
1900  }
1902  if (dur_total) {
1903  char tmp[32] = "";
1904  switch_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%d", dur_total / 8);
1905  switch_channel_set_variable(session->channel, "last_dtmf_duration", tmp);
1906  }
1908  }
1910 }
uint32_t duration
Definition: switch_types.h:288
int switch_snprintf(_Out_z_cap_(len) char *buf, _In_ switch_size_t len, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *format,...)
#define zstr(x)
Definition: switch_utils.h:281
uint32_t switch_core_max_dtmf_duration(uint32_t duration)
Definition: switch_core.c:1664
#define is_dtmf(key)
determine if a character is a valid DTMF key
Definition: switch_utils.h:614
uint32_t switch_core_min_dtmf_duration(uint32_t duration)
Definition: switch_core.c:1704
unsigned int switch_separate_string(_In_ char *buf, char delim, _Post_count_(return) char **array, unsigned int arraylen)
Separate a string into an array based on a character delimiter.
switch_channel_t * channel
uint32_t switch_core_default_dtmf_duration(uint32_t duration)
Definition: switch_core.c:1681
#define switch_channel_down(_channel)
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
#define switch_core_session_strdup(_session, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a session's pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:717
switch_status_t switch_core_session_send_dtmf(switch_core_session_t *session, const switch_dtmf_t *dtmf)
#define switch_assert(expr)
#define switch_channel_set_variable(_channel, _var, _val)
#define switch_channel_pre_answer(channel)
Indicate progress on a channel to attempt early media.
char * switch_channel_get_name(switch_channel_t *channel)
Retrieve the name of a given channel.
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_codec_slin ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_slin_data_t data 

Definition at line 87 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_codec_implementation::actual_samples_per_second, memset(), switch_codec_implementation::microseconds_per_packet, switch_codec_implementation::number_of_channels, SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_DECODE, SWITCH_CODEC_FLAG_ENCODE, switch_core_codec_init, switch_core_session_get_read_impl(), switch_core_session_set_read_codec(), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, switch_log_printf(), SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

Referenced by switch_core_session_raw_read().

89 {
90  switch_codec_implementation_t read_impl = { 0 };
91  int interval;
93  switch_core_session_get_read_impl(session, &read_impl);
94  interval = read_impl.microseconds_per_packet / 1000;
95  data->session = session;
97  if (switch_core_codec_init(&data->codec,
98  "L16",
99  NULL,
100  NULL,
101  read_impl.actual_samples_per_second,
102  interval,
105  SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Codec Activated L16@%uhz %dms\n", read_impl.actual_samples_per_second, interval);
107  memset(&data->write_frame, 0, sizeof(data->write_frame));
109  data->write_frame.codec = &data->codec;
110  data-> = data->frame_data;
111  data->write_frame.buflen = sizeof(data->frame_data);
112  data->write_frame.datalen = 0;
113  switch_core_session_set_read_codec(session, &data->codec);
115  }
118 }
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_read_codec(_In_ switch_core_session_t *session, switch_codec_t *codec)
Assign the read codec to a given session.
switch_core_session_t * session
switch_codec_t * codec
Definition: switch_frame.h:45
switch_status_t switch_core_session_get_read_impl(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_codec_implementation_t *impp)
uint32_t buflen
Definition: switch_frame.h:59
uint32_t datalen
Definition: switch_frame.h:57
#define switch_core_codec_init(_codec, _codec_name, _modname, _fmtp, _rate, _ms, _channels, _flags, _codec_settings, _pool)
Initialize a codec handle.
Definition: switch_core.h:1602
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
A table of settings and callbacks that define a paticular implementation of a codec.
memset(buf, 0, buflen)
void switch_core_session_set_dmachine ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_ivr_dmachine_t dmachine,
switch_digit_action_target_t  target 

Definition at line 44 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_ivr_dmachine_set_target().

45 {
46  int i = (int) target;
48  if (i == 0 || i == 1) {
49  if (dmachine) {
50  switch_ivr_dmachine_set_target(dmachine, target);
51  }
52  session->dmachine[i] = dmachine;
53  }
54 }
void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_target(switch_ivr_dmachine_t *dmachine, switch_digit_action_target_t target)
switch_ivr_dmachine_t * dmachine[2]
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_loglevel ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_log_level_t  loglevel 

Sets the log level for a session.

sessionthe session to set the log level on

Definition at line 2914 of file switch_core_session.c.

References switch_assert, and SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS.

2915 {
2916  switch_assert(session != NULL);
2917  session->loglevel = loglevel;
2919 }
switch_log_level_t loglevel
#define switch_assert(expr)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_private_class ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_ void *  private_info,
_In_ switch_pvt_class_t  index 

Add private user data to a session.

sessionthe session to add used data to
private_infothe used data to add
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if data is added
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_read_impl ( switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_codec_implementation_t impp 

Definition at line 376 of file switch_core_codec.c.


Referenced by switch_core_media_set_codec().

377 {
378  session->read_impl = *impp;
380 }
switch_codec_implementation_t read_impl
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_uuid ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
_In_z_ const char *  use_uuid 
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_video_read_impl ( switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_codec_implementation_t impp 

Definition at line 388 of file switch_core_codec.c.


389 {
390  session->video_read_impl = *impp;
392 }
switch_codec_implementation_t video_read_impl
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_video_write_impl ( switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_codec_implementation_t impp 

Definition at line 394 of file switch_core_codec.c.


395 {
396  session->video_write_impl = *impp;
398 }
switch_codec_implementation_t video_write_impl
switch_status_t switch_core_session_set_write_impl ( switch_core_session_t session,
const switch_codec_implementation_t impp 

Definition at line 382 of file switch_core_codec.c.


Referenced by switch_core_media_set_codec().

383 {
384  session->write_impl = *impp;
386 }
switch_codec_implementation_t write_impl
void switch_core_session_signal_state_change ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)
void switch_core_session_soft_lock ( switch_core_session_t session,
uint32_t  sec 

Definition at line 77 of file switch_core_session.c.

78 {
79  session->soft_lock = sec;
80 }
void switch_core_session_soft_unlock ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 82 of file switch_core_session.c.

83 {
84  session->soft_lock = 0;
85 }
switch_status_t switch_core_session_thread_launch ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Launch the session thread (state machine) on a given session.

sessionthe session to activate the state machine on
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS if the thread was launched

Referenced by recover_callback(), switch_channel_perform_hangup(), and switch_ivr_originate().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_thread_pool_launch ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 1809 of file switch_core_session.c.

References check_queue(), switch_thread_data_s::func, switch_thread_data_s::obj, session_manager, SSF_THREAD_RUNNING, SSF_THREAD_STARTED, SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG, switch_core_session_alloc, switch_core_session_thread(), SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, switch_log_printf(), switch_mutex_lock(), switch_mutex_unlock(), switch_queue_push(), switch_set_flag, SWITCH_STATUS_INUSE, switch_test_flag, and switch_session_manager::thread_queue.

Referenced by switch_core_session_thread_launch().

1810 {
1814  switch_mutex_lock(session->mutex);
1815  if (switch_test_flag(session, SSF_THREAD_RUNNING)) {
1816  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot double-launch thread!\n");
1817  } else if (switch_test_flag(session, SSF_THREAD_STARTED)) {
1818  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Cannot launch thread again after it has already been run!\n");
1819  } else {
1822  td = switch_core_session_alloc(session, sizeof(*td));
1823  td->obj = session;
1826  check_queue();
1827  }
1828  switch_mutex_unlock(session->mutex);
1830  return status;
1831 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
#define switch_set_flag(obj, flag)
Set a flag on an arbitrary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:631
switch_queue_t * thread_queue
static switch_status_t check_queue(void)
static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC switch_core_session_thread(switch_thread_t *thread, void *obj)
switch_status_t switch_mutex_unlock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:290
switch_status_t switch_mutex_lock(switch_mutex_t *lock)
Definition: switch_apr.c:285
switch_thread_start_t func
Definition: switch_core.h:66
Common return values.
switch_mutex_t * mutex
#define switch_core_session_alloc(_session, _memory)
Allocate memory from a session's pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:694
switch_status_t switch_queue_push(switch_queue_t *queue, void *data)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1129
#define switch_test_flag(obj, flag)
Test for the existance of a flag on an arbitary object.
Definition: switch_utils.h:624
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
void switch_core_session_video_reset ( switch_core_session_t session)

Definition at line 2550 of file switch_core_session.c.

References CF_VIDEO_BLANK, CF_VIDEO_DEBUG_READ, CF_VIDEO_DEBUG_WRITE, CF_VIDEO_ECHO, CF_VIDEO_PASSIVE, switch_channel_clear_flag(), and switch_core_session_request_video_refresh().

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), switch_core_media_set_video_file(), switch_core_media_start_video_function(), switch_core_standard_on_execute(), and switch_ivr_session_echo().

2551 {
2554  //switch_channel_clear_flag(session->channel, CF_VIDEO_DECODED_READ);
2559 }
switch_channel_t * channel
switch_status_t switch_core_session_request_video_refresh(switch_core_session_t *session)
void switch_channel_clear_flag(switch_channel_t *channel, switch_channel_flag_t flag)
Clear given flag(s) from a channel.
switch_status_t switch_core_session_wake_session_thread ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)
switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_encoded_video_frame ( switch_core_session_t session,
switch_frame_t frame,
switch_io_flag_t  flags,
int  stream_id 

Definition at line 11013 of file switch_core_media.c.

References switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame::next, SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG, switch_core_session_media_flow(), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG3, switch_log_printf(), SWITCH_MEDIA_FLOW_RECVONLY, SWITCH_MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE, SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame::video_write_frame.

Referenced by switch_core_session_write_video_frame().

11015 {
11020  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_SESSION_LOG(session), SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG3, "Writing video to RECVONLY session\n");
11022  }
11025  if ((status = session->endpoint_interface->io_routines->write_video_frame(session, frame, flags, stream_id)) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
11026  for (ptr = session->event_hooks.video_write_frame; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
11027  if ((status = ptr->video_write_frame(session, frame, flags, stream_id)) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
11028  break;
11029  }
11030  }
11031  }
11032  }
11034  return status;
11035 }
Node in which to store custom video_write_frame channel callback hooks.
switch_io_routines_t * io_routines
switch_video_write_frame_hook_t video_write_frame
struct switch_io_event_hook_video_write_frame * next
switch_io_event_hooks_t event_hooks
switch_media_flow_t switch_core_session_media_flow(switch_core_session_t *session, switch_media_type_t type)
Common return values.
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
switch_io_write_video_frame_t write_video_frame
switch_endpoint_interface_t * endpoint_interface
switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_frame ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_frame_t frame,
switch_io_flag_t  flags,
int  stream_id 

Write a frame to a session.

sessionthe session to write to
framethe frame to write
flagsI/O flags to modify behavior (i.e. non blocking)
stream_idwhich logical media channel to use
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS a the frame was written

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), switch_ivr_collect_digits_count(), switch_ivr_delay_echo(), switch_ivr_eavesdrop_session(), switch_ivr_gentones(), switch_ivr_originate(), switch_ivr_park(), switch_ivr_play_file(), switch_ivr_record_file(), switch_ivr_session_echo(), switch_ivr_sleep(), switch_ivr_speak_text_handle(), switch_ivr_wait_for_answer(), switch_ivr_wait_for_silence(), and unicast_thread_run().

switch_status_t switch_core_session_write_video_frame ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session,
switch_frame_t frame,
switch_io_flag_t  flags,
int  stream_id 

Write a video frame to a session.

sessionthe session to write to
framea pointer to a frame to write
flagsI/O flags to modify behavior (i.e. non blocking)
stream_idwhich logical media channel to use
SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS a if the frame was written

Referenced by audio_bridge_thread(), and eavesdrop_callback().

switch_bool_t switch_core_set_var_conditional ( _In_z_ const char *  varname,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  value,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  val2 

Conditionally add a global variable to the core.

varnamethe name of the variable
valuethe value of the variable
val2the value of the variable to verify against \ If the global did not exist and val2=="", add global with value, return true \ If the global exists with the value of val2, replace it, return true \ If the global exists with a value other than val2, return false

Referenced by globalSetVariable().

void switch_core_set_variable ( _In_z_ const char *  varname,
_In_opt_z_ const char *  value 

Add a global variable to the core.

varnamethe name of the variable
valuethe value of the variable \ If value is NULL, then varname is deleted.

Referenced by globalSetVariable(), preprocess(), preprocess_exec_set(), setGlobalVariable(), switch_nat_init(), and switch_rtp_init().

void switch_core_thread_session_end ( _In_ switch_core_session_t session)

Signal a thread using a thread session to terminate.

sessionthe session to indicate to

Referenced by switch_ivr_play_file(), and switch_ivr_speak_text().

switch_digit_action_target_t switch_ivr_dmachine_get_target ( switch_ivr_dmachine_t dmachine)

Definition at line 91 of file switch_ivr_async.c.

References switch_assert.

92 {
93  switch_assert(dmachine);
94  return dmachine->target;
95 }
switch_digit_action_target_t target
#define switch_assert(expr)
void switch_ivr_dmachine_set_target ( switch_ivr_dmachine_t dmachine,
switch_digit_action_target_t  target 

Definition at line 97 of file switch_ivr_async.c.

References switch_assert.

Referenced by switch_core_session_set_dmachine().

98 {
99  switch_assert(dmachine);
100  dmachine->target = target;
101 }
switch_digit_action_target_t target
#define switch_assert(expr)
switch_status_t switch_ivr_dmachine_set_terminators ( switch_ivr_dmachine_t dmachine,
const char *  terminators 

Definition at line 194 of file switch_ivr_async.c.


195 {
196  if (!dmachine->realm) {
197  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "No realm selected.\n");
199  }
202  dmachine->realm->terminators = switch_core_strdup(dmachine->pool, terminators);
203  switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Digit parser %s: Setting terminators for realm '%s' to '%s'\n",
204  dmachine->name, dmachine->realm->name, terminators);
207 }
#define switch_core_strdup(_pool, _todup)
Copy a string using memory allocation from a given pool.
Definition: switch_core.h:729
dm_binding_head_t * realm
switch_memory_pool_t * pool
void switch_log_printf(_In_ switch_text_channel_t channel, _In_z_ const char *file, _In_z_ const char *func, _In_ int line, _In_opt_z_ const char *userdata, _In_ switch_log_level_t level, _In_z_ _Printf_format_string_ const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FUNCTION(7
Write log data to the logging engine.
switch_status_t switch_thread_pool_launch_thread ( switch_thread_data_t **  tdp)

Definition at line 1793 of file switch_core_session.c.

References check_queue(), session_manager, switch_assert, switch_queue_push(), SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS, and switch_session_manager::thread_queue.

Referenced by switch_event_channel_broadcast(), switch_event_deliver_thread_pool(), switch_ivr_bg_media(), switch_sql_queue_manager_execute_sql_callback(), switch_sql_queue_manager_execute_sql_callback_err(), switch_sql_queue_manager_execute_sql_event_callback(), and switch_sql_queue_manager_execute_sql_event_callback_err().

1794 {
1798  switch_assert(tdp);
1800  td = *tdp;
1801  *tdp = NULL;
1804  check_queue();
1806  return status;
1807 }
struct switch_session_manager session_manager
switch_queue_t * thread_queue
static switch_status_t check_queue(void)
Common return values.
switch_status_t switch_queue_push(switch_queue_t *queue, void *data)
Definition: switch_apr.c:1129
#define switch_assert(expr)